Quote: "Children can use Crickets to create all types of interactive inventions: musical sculptures, interactive jewelry, dancing creatures. In the process, children learn important science and engineering concepts, and they develop a better understanding of the interactive objects in the world around them" (Resnick).
Response: I think that this is a great thing! Kids are learning how things function, they are having fun, and they are actually getting involved. It is good that the kids using Crickets actually get to build things that they think are cool because they are learning about many skills at one time. Things like this should be incorporated into the classroom more so students can learn and understand how and why certain things work.
Resource: Resnick, Mitchel. "Sewing the Seeds For A New Creative Society." . ISTE, 2007. Web. 8 Apr. 2012. <http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/Learning-Leading-final.pdf>.
Reference: This video gives the students point of view of creativity in the classroom.
About Creative Learning In The Classroom
Great additional resource!